My Work

Love and War

My first short out of film school. I learned a lot from this experience and was able to flex some visual muscle with design and effects. The story aspect was rather lacking.
I still needed more training and experience.


So I took a screenwriting course. It really helped me gain insight into story structure and how to craft a satisfying narrative. I also met dear friends and colleagues, including a writer who hired me to bring her script to life. We made Brightwood.

Dark Dungeons

I landed the job of directing an adaptation of an infamous Chick tract. This was made by a very resourceful crew on a small budget. The film turned out very well and has since achieved notoriety and is on its way to cult status.


Based on the successful execution of Dark Dungeons, the producer and CEO of Zombie Orpheus Entertainment invited me to join the story team for his new project Strowlers. We co-directed the pilot episode.


A collaborator and I successfully applied to for a historical arts grant. We then wrote the script for this film, centered around the Snoqualmie Railway Depot and museum. With these resources we told the story of a woman working a non-traditional railroad job during World War One. It has been successful on the film festival circuit.

The Gamers: The Series

Another ZOE project. This indie franchise has been running for over 15 years. The latest installment brings back the original characters from the first film, and throws them into the mix with a new ensemble cast of Gamers.